Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD): Final Report

Approved by the Standing Committee of the Classification and Indexing Section, June 2010.

Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) - A Conceptual Model

The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value - a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject - in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will prov...

Separate files

The report was also published as volume 43 in the IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control in 2011.


المتطلبات الوظیفیة لبیانات الاستناد للموضوعات - نموذج مفاھیمي

The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value - a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject - in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will prov...

Requisitos Funcionales para Datos de Autoridad de Materia (FRSAD) - Un Modelo Conceptual

El propósito principal de este estudio es producir un marco que proporcione una comprensión clara y comúnmente compartida en la que los datos/registros/ficheros de autoridad de materia tengan como objetivo proporcionar información sobre algo, y las expectativas que estos datos deben alcanzar en ...

Fonctionnalités requises des données d’autorité matière (FRSAD) - Un modèle conceptuel

L’objectif premier de cette étude est de fournir un cadre dans lequel il soit possible de parvenir à une compréhension clairement formulée et communément partagée de ce sur quoi les données (notices, fichiers) d’autorité matière visent à fournir de l’infor...

주제전거 데이터의 기능 요건 (FRSAD) - 개념 모형

The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value - a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject - in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will prov...

Функциональные требования к предметным авторитетным данным (FRSAD) - Концептуальная модель

The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value - a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject - in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will prov...

主题规范数据的功能需求 (FRSAD) 概念模型

The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value - a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject - in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will prov...

Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD): Draft Report

The IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR) was established in April 2005 by the Classification and Indexing Section.  A draft report was sent for worldwide review in the summer of 2009. The draft is available along with other background materials.

Terms of Reference

  • Build a conceptual model of Group 3 entities within the FRBR framework as they relate to the aboutness of works (Entities in Group 1 and Group 2 can be used as the subjects of works but further inclusion of them will depend on the outcomes of the work of the FRANAR Working Group),
  • provide a clearly defined, structured frame of reference for relating the data that are recorded in subject authority records to the needs of the users of those records, and
  • assist in an assessment of the potential for international sharing and use of subject authority data both within the library sector and beyond.


Committee Reports



Marcia Lei Zeng


Maja Žumer
Athena Salaba

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