The IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto Toolkit was developed by IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section (MCULTP) for the purpose of giving practical approaches on how libraries can apply the concepts contained in the Manifesto.

Thanks to the work of our American colleagues Kirsten Grünberg, Freda Mosquera, and Alicia K. Long, a Spanish translation of the Toolkit is now available. Kirsten is a librarian and supervisor at Hyattsville Library. Freda is a librarian, writer, and translator, working as the Community Library Manager at Broward County Library. Alicia is a librarian and educator, working as the Library Supervisor at the State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota. 

Since the original English version was launched in 2012, the full Toolkit has been made available of the Toolkit webpage in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.