These learning materials, which take the form of a workshop manual and a set of accompanying workshop slides, are intended for use by library professionals who are engaged in training colleagues to consider the challenges that libraries face when providing Internet access to their users, or when supplying information about HIV/AIDS. The materials have been developed in the past two years, and have been refined every time they are used. The materials presented here are the most up to date versions, and were most recently used in July 2008. FAIFE hopes that as more workshops are held around the world the materials will change to reflect new ideas and thinking, and that the new versions will be regularly updated on this webpage.

The materials provide clear details on how to hold a one-day workshop on this topic, and they have already been successfully used by librarians in places such as Nigeria, Zambia, Brazil and Mexico. IFLA/FAIFE is pleased to make the Learning Materials available for free through the IFLA website and encourages librarians with an interest in public access to health information to use them to inform and educate colleagues about the positive role libraries can play in increasing access to information about HIV/AIDS in the community.

In recent years IFLA/FAIFE has been emphasising the role libraries can play in increasing public access to health information, especially access to information about the HIV/AIDS virus. Information about libraries’ activities in this area have been collected in both the 2005 and 2007 World Reports, and explored in more depth in the IFLA/FAIFE Theme Report 2006 which investigated the social responsibilities of libraries in relation to some of the big issues and major challenges facing the world today: the HIV/AIDS pandemic, poverty and corruption.

In 2006 preparations began on a set of resources relating to libraries’ role in tackling these issues and, following a drafting and consultation exercise in 2007, the Access to HIV/AIDS through Libraries Learning Materials have been created. The materials provide clear details on how to hold a one-day workshop on this topic, and they have already been successfully used by librarians in places such as Nigeria, Zambia, Brazil and Mexico.

IFLA/FAIFE is pleased to make the Learning Materials available for free through the IFLA website and encourages librarians with an interest in public access to health information to use them to inform and educate colleagues about the positive role libraries can play in increasing access to information about HIV/AIDS in the community.


DOCUMENTS Spanish Portu-
French Russian Arabic English
Workshop Manual
PowerPoint 1
PowerPoint 2