IFLA project and lately programme for Sister Libraries starts its 7th year of operation. The programme web pages and list of participants have undergone an update, in order to make searching a Sister Library smoother and easier.  The external funding from Norwegian Fagforbundet reaches until April 2016, after that the programme is a part of Section’s work. The funding has enabled a more detailed planning and developing of the programme, along with frequent contact with the participants and studies on the subject.

As section Info Coordinator I truly hope that our support helps libraries to find a partner and to maintain the partnership through time.

We have new libraries registering every month or so, new pairings happen as well but the libraries involved don’t always remember to inform us about the change. Please let us (and me as specific contact) know if you have a new pair! The updates on the participant list should make it easier to reach the other library, as during the spring we modify the list to display only the active libraries. But don’t worry, if your library has been hidden from the list. It can be returned there whenever you feel like it, just an email to me telling you want to be active.

Here in the end I’d like to use the possibility and present one comment from paired libraries about the programme.  It tells a lot about the reason Sister Libraries programme was built in the first place.

We are actively cooperating, share experiences, communicating. Our common work brings positive results:  new projects, ideas and forms of work.

Ulla Pötsönen