Title The Russian National Bibliography (Rossiyskaya Natsional’naya Bibliografiya)
Web site address http://www.bookchamber.ru/
Start date Began 1907
Period covered 1907 to date
Current size Electronic catalogs databank: more than 20 mln entries. Full digital archive of “Book annals” from 1907. All other “Annales” are in retroversion now. Databank of national bibliography is about 9 mln records for 01.01.2023.
Media covered Printed books and serials, articles in periodicals, audio, printed music, maps, offline and official publications, books for the blind and partially sighted.
General selection criteria Include Russian publishing products received by the Russian State Library and other federal depositories in accordance with the law on legal storage (books, brochures, magazines, newspapers and other periodicals, sheet music, maps, atlases, doctoral dissertations, reviews, publications on art, bibliographies). Alongside with each printed legal deposit the publisher must present its electronic master copy to depository from 01.01.2017.
Selection criteria for digital resources Only offline documents
Exclusions policies applied Reports, grey literature, ephemera, private documents, editions by technology “printed demand” with the printing of single copies, movies.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control Rossijskaya gosudarstvennaya biblioteka (Russian State Library), kompleks “Rossiyskaya Knizhnaya Palata” (The Russian Book Chamber Complex).
By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 150-r of 26.01.2021, the functions of the Russian Book Chamber were transferred to the federal state budgetary institution “Russian State Library”.
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://www.rsl.ru/ru/rkp/
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Provision, instructions and consultations for ISBN, ISSN and ISMN numbers are the functions of the Russian Book Chamber complex of the Russian State Library. “Informregistr” is responsible for offline digital resources; the Russian Parliament Library is responsible for all official publications; the Russian National Library for Blind People is responsible for all materials for blind and partially sighted people; Russian State Library (Moscow) and National Library of Russia (St.-Petersburg) are responsible for national retrospective bibliography.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies The created bibliographic information is reflected in the publications of the state bibliographic indexes. They are distributed by subscription. The main bibliographic indexes are “Book Annals”, “Annals of journal articles” and “Annals of newspaper articles”, “Annals of dissertations abstracts”, “Music Annals”, “Annals of Publications”, “Cartographic Annals”, “Annals of reviews, “Books of the Russian Federation”. “Bibliography of the Russian Bibliography”, as well as “Annals of periodicals and continuing publications. New, renamed and discontinued newspapers and magazines”. All aforementioned bibliographies have indexes by names, subject, geography, language etc.
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography The source for obtaining metadata is the bibliographic records created by the Russian Book Chamber, which, in turn, is a division of the Russian National Library.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The material is received by the Russian Book Chamber and other special federal depositories under legal deposit law.
The Russian State Library, in accordance with Federal Law No. 77-FZ of December 29, 1994 “On Mandatory Copies of Documents” as amended in 2022, is the recipient of mandatory copies of documents
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme CIP programme is voluntary practiced in Russia since 1988, but it is hardly used by small and regional publishers.
Media & format options RUSMARC, MARC21, USMARC, UNIMARC. CCF, ONIX etc.
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue, Z39.50, FTP
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Not yet offered.
Web 2.0 services offered Yes.
Frequency of service updates Depending on the part of type of bibliography (weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly).
Target audiences for services Librarians, publishers, booksellers, authors, researchers, students, bibliographers, bibliophiles, members of the different professional associations.
Uses made of services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing and regional and thematic bibliographies.
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Russian National Bibliography operates all online bases usually for free. In addition, it provides cost recovery for special services that involve further manual and time-costing labor.
Availability of metadata for re-use Russian National Bibliography metadata is released usually for free into the public domain (except for profit business).
Metadata formats MARC21
Cataloguing code Rossiyskie pravila katalogizatsii (Russian cataloguing rules)
Levels of description offered ISBD
Subject standards UDC, BBK (Library and Bibliographic Classification), BLC (Bibliographic Library Code)
Name authority standards Russian standards compatible with GARR
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes, it is.
Date information submitted 25/07/2023
Information supplied by Marina Neshcheret, leading researcher & Konstantin Sukhorukov, chief editor at the Russian State Library.