
Require national bibliographies for copy cataloguing and cataloguing support in general (e.g. to identify precedents for similar material being catalogued). Cataloguers therefore need complete bibliographic records to be supplied in a standard format (e.g. MARC21). For more information on derived cataloguing see: Re-use of records & derived cataloguing .

Information requirements from the national bibliography

The most common type of cataloguer query is known-item searching e.g. for a record relating to the specific publication being processed. To verify authors’ names cataloguers may also search directly in the name authority file being used by their institution.

Search requirements (for online national bibliographies):

The typical access points required by cataloguers include:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Standard identifiers (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, ISMN)
  • Publication date
  • Corporate body name (any variant)
  • Personal name (any variant)