AVMS meetings:

You are more than welcome to join the AVMS Section meetings, if you want to know more about what we do, or if you are considering becoming a member.


Our first meeting will be on Saturday, August 24 at 15:45 – 17:45, HAEF 103. IFLA will run busses from the Convention Center to the meeting venue.

Our second meeting will take place on Thursday, August 29, 10:45 – 13:15, Room 5.


At the first meeting, we will talk about our upcoming Action Plan.



Open Session:


Session 179, Tuesday, August 27, 13:45 – 15:45, Trianti

Theme: It's Good to Preserve, It's Even Better to Share: Sound and Visual Cultural Heritage in Local Communities.

Sponsoring IFLA Sections: Preservation and Conservation Section and the Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC)



Hope to see you in Athens!

AVMS Video from WLIC 2018