The IFLA Strategy 2019-2024 is a roadmap for the library field, by the library field.

It is designed to be a reference point, not only for IFLA’s own Professional Units, headquarters and regional and languages offices, but also for our membership and the library field as a whole. It should be the catalyst for new energy and a new alignment in our efforts.

It sets out IFLA’s Vision and Mission:

Our Vision: A strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participative societies

Our Mission: To inspire, engage, enable and connect the global library field

Read more about our Vision, Mission and Values.

Our Strategic Directions highlight four areas of focus in delivering our mission:

  1. Strengthen the Global Voice of Libraries
  2. Inspire and Enhance Professional Practice
  3. Connect and Empower the Field
  4. Optimise our Organisation

In each Strategic Direction, four Key Initiatives provide a framework around which we can all develop actions to strengthen our field and achieve our vision.

Download the IFLA Strategy in all IFLA languages.